Drowning in words

Swimming In words
The Fulbright study program has a massive volume of the assignment. Each week, I need to read an average of about 100 pages (4-5 chapters of academic books), and every class requires me to understand the concept of knowledge.
Panic in words
Sometimes I spend more time reading and rereading a text rather than take the time to understand the concept. Knowledge of the subjects is becoming littered and shattered.
Drowning in words
I love studying, but at the same time, I feel a great deal of resistance when academic stuff. So... WHY IS THIS HAPPENED?

What I read

Page 111 | "Systems Thinking: Managing Chaos and Complexity" book

One Thousand and One Nights
what I should understand

Visualize the same knowledge

Visualize the same knowledge
Academic learning is dominated by textual content
"We all know the power of pictures as a learning tool. Before we learned to read, we were asked to draw. But then the pictures stopped. Our entire education system evolved to believe that pictures are like training wheels: They're useful only to get us started reading--and drawing should be discarded the moment we're able to write.
That is just so wrong. Pictures are part of the thinking that provides us with guidance and direction. It's the 'big picture' that let's us see where we're going. Pictures aren't training wheels; pictures are the front wheel."
- Dan Roam | Book "Blah Blah Blah:
What To Do When Words Don't Work"

What I will do to make learning more fun
🗺️ Prioritize searching for concepts over reading details
✏️ Draw concepts into images, charts

Source: Chapter 1 of the book "Blah Blah Blah: What To Do When Words Don't Work"