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Open my heart

Ten years ago, after all the abuse from alcoholic father, all the drops of blood on my face, all the mourning from mother, my heart was suffocated. I told my dad in tears: "Dad, I can ignore everything you've done. The ONLY thing I want is that I can call you a DAD, and you call me a SON."

My father then fell silent. The next day, my mother's face is still blurred in tears.

What happens when I show my broken heart?

I'm am afraid of trust but want to belong. I bond with others but never learn to care. When I found another safety net, I walked away like my dad used to do!

The life of ignorance is a life of suffering. I am learning to see through my blindness to see world beauty. Now, I can recognize the sacrifice of my mother, the caring of my friends, the love of my partner. And I found a way to heal my heart!

I want to have the courage to tell: "Dad, I want to say that I love you, and thank you for teaching me this life lesson." I want to sincerely thank my mother, my sister, my partner, and all of my friends who made me believe in love. And I want to remind myself: "Remember to open my heart."


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