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What am I learning and study for?

This is an important question during this time of my life as I am fortunate to be spending the next four years focusing study in one of the best universities in Vietnam. First of all, I will ask myself questions: What do I want to study at university and why?

A grain of rice seed, no matter where it lives or under what weather conditions, it will try its best to grow as much as possible. The rice plant will bloom, flower, and produce rice. I think we are the same; no matter what situation they live in, we need to find a way to develop ourselves most comprehensively, and then use our knowledge to do something useful.

Even though I have only been studying for three weeks in colleges, I have learned much new knowledge like system thinking, programming, network thinking, and how human development ideal from past to present. This helps me to use these thinking tools to understand my life and handle work more effectively. It also made me feel more humble and appreciated my current learning opportunities.

Sometimes, I think my life is fragile, and I can die at any time, and I always wonder about the meaning of my existence. I always wonder the life of a grain of rice can be an answer?

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