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What is my purpose in life?

I do not know what the purpose of my life is. When I look from the outside, this existence is insignificant, short, and fragile. If I were lucky enough to live 80 years, it’s nothing compared to thousands of years of humans history. I am one of the 7 billion people living on this earth. If I die, my loved one will grieve. How long will that emotion last? How long will I persist in other people’s minds?

On the other hand, I feel wonderful when I have the opportunity to live this life. I have the chance to see and feel everything around me, the sunlight, the raindrops, human sensations, and emotions. I feel blessed for the simple things that I have, and because I know, it won’t last forever. It can simply come to an end at any time.

There are many opinions from society when talking about life’s purpose. The activist will want to dedicate and build the community; the businessman lives to make a career; Zen masters live to learn to cherish the moments they have. But...How about myself? What kind of life do I want to choose to live?

I am still looking for the answer, and I hope to find the answer with Stoic philosophy. This philosophy has an ideal about Areté. Areté is about being your best version in the here and now. If I want to live that supremely happy life, I need to express my best self in every moment. It’s about aligning chosen actions with my deep values.


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